Rodent Control

Rodent Control

When we talk of rodents the most frequently encountered species are the Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) and House Mouse (Mus musculus).

Rats are extremely adaptable and can live in wide variety of habitats from sewers to attic spaces. They are adept climbers and will easily scale walls to gain access into buildings. Like all rodents, rats need to gnaw to keep down the length of their incisors and they can be surprisingly destructive. When inside properties, rats present a potential fire and flood risks as they can gnaw through electricity cables and water pipes. Rats also pose serious health risks as they contaminate areas with their droppings and their urine is often spread across areas or surfaces by their tails.

The house mouse is the primary pest species affecting sites in London and is also widespread across the world – it is the most invasive rodent species linked to man. Mice are agile climbers and can be found at all levels inside a building often using wall, ceiling and floor voids to move unseen up, down and between joined buildings. They can also fit through very narrow gaps and openings as small as 6mm in diameter. Control of mice in cities can be very challenging with mice often displaying signs of behavioural resistance and bait shyness. This can mean that multiple control and proofing methods are often needed for effective control.

Finding the source of the infestation is absolutely key to preventing rodent reinfestations and often we are called to situations where rodents have been controlled, but no investigation has taken place to identify the origin of the problem. At Total IPM we will always fully investigate all rodent infestations. Wherever possible our aim is to establish the root cause of infestation and make recommendations to proof against future reinfestation.

Rodent Proofing

Rodent proofing is a key part of our integrated approach to pest prevention. Our aim is always to not only control rodents, but also wherever possible prevent reinfestation with effective proofing. This begins with a detailed investigation of the area of activity to identify any routes of ingress.

Where routes of ingress are not clear it may be necessary for us to investigate further areas with the use of motion activated cameras or other monitoring aids. Once established we use a range of specialist rodent proof materials to fully rodent proof entry points.

In some instances, areas of activity may be in sensitive, or front of house areas, where the visual impact of proofing materials and methods needs careful consideration. In these situations, we can work with clients to provide bespoke rodent proof solutions and fabrications.

Rodent Hygiene Cleans

Rodents are associated with and known to carry a wide range of disease-causing organisms. These can be transmitted to humans via contact with rodent droppings and urine (often invisible to the naked eye) or by ingestion of contaminated food stuffs.

Rodent-borne diseases include:

  • Leptospirosis (Weil's Disease)
  • Weil's Disease
  • Salmonellosis
  • Rat Bite Fever
  • Hantavirus and even the Plague from infected fleas

Total IPM provide specialist hygiene cleans to clear rodent droppings and fully clean areas contaminated by rodents. Using biocides to safely kill off any harmful organisms and make areas safe again.

Other Rodents

Grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) are also a serious invasive pest. A non-native species in the UK the Grey squirrel can cause a range of damage to properties including:

  • Gnawing of waterpipes and electrical cables.
  • Contamination of attic and void spaces in buildings with droppings and urine.

Edible Dormouse (Glis glis) was introduced (escaped) in 1902 from a private collection in Tring Hertfordshire, they are now thought to be established across an increasing 200 square mile area. Although smaller than the grey squirrel they can cause similar problems and risks when inside buildings. Edible dormice can only be controlled under licence from Natural England.

Unsure if you have a rodent infestation? Contact us today for free expert advice.